DIY, pirated medicine is becoming increasingly accessible and easier to make due to automation, new tech, and new software developed and released by Four Thieves Vinegar Collective:
The military is dealing with the same problems consumers do. Their problems are more absurd. They do not know how to repair a combat warship because the company that makes it says repair info is proprietary and have to fly in repair pros who work for the company itself
What do "Power Tool Institute," the “Irrigation Association,” the “Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers” & tractor companies have in common? They’re lobbying against military right to repair legislation
Thanks to the overwhelming support of our subscribers, we're very proud and humbled to say that our business and company is sustainable and stable, and more scoops, investigations, stunts, etc are coming in year 2
SCOOP from @samleecole: Leaked Slacks and documents show the incredible scale of NVidia's AI scraping: 80 years — "a human lifetime" of videos every day. Had approval from highest levels of company despite staff legal/ethical concerns:
- Rabbit got hacked, claimed it did not get hacked, then admitted it got hacked - did an investigation and found an employee leaked source code that contained API keys, which were exploited - argued that this did not constitute a security breach - blamed "hacktivists" and journalists for reporting on this - said that they were in the process of fixing the issue anyway - commissioned a pentest to show that everything is fine, actually
At a border security conference, DHS tells law enforcement it has a dog robot it has modified to do Denial of Service attacks on smarthome devices to disable internet of things "booby traps" in homes they're raiding
The copyright office is considering an exemption that would provide legal protection for researchers jailbreaking / circumventing DRM / breaking terms of service to expose how AI tools work. This is really important bc current ToS are v threatening
There is a new genre of serious-seeming "scientific" research paper but the paper is like "we asked ChatGPT if AI could do your job and it said yes" and then news outlets cover them uncritically and they go viral
Beloved Apple blog TUAW was shut down in 2015, sold to private equity, then sold to a company in Hong Kong. It recently relaunched as an AI content farm using the stolen identities and bylines of its former human staff. A nightmare:
A car rental service in Charlotte has replaced their agents with remote workers on video chat. If you need to speak to a manager you go into an office where you talk to another screen sitting at a big executive desk
If we want journalism to survive we need to move away from the model where dozens of humans write the same exact blog about an errant Elon Musk tweet in hopes of appeasing an algorithm that is actively changing to kill this exact business model