Thanks for the detail. I hope some allies have reached out and steered them in the direction of a bettter instance.
Notices by
Embed this notice's status on Friday, 25-Nov-2022 10:48:18 JST DunksDoneDaily
Embed this notice's status on Friday, 25-Nov-2022 10:43:46 JST DunksDoneDaily
Not sure about that specific case but sometimes these suspensions are bad actors impersonating the legit accounts.
Embed this notice's status on Monday, 07-Nov-2022 14:48:55 JST DunksDoneDaily
@Gargron Losing "toots" seems like a good change. What about swapping the term "instance" to "server(s)" to describe other.... servers. ?
Embed this notice's status on Monday, 31-Oct-2022 12:09:56 JST DunksDoneDaily
@Gargron Put a budget together for adding team members then we'll have a monthly target to hit in donations to give you some relief
Embed this notice's status on Monday, 31-Oct-2022 11:35:34 JST DunksDoneDaily
@Gargron If there are tasks you think might be delegated to others to take the load off yourself, please post a "to do" list and perhaps some of us can lend a hand
Thanks for all you do here