“A bomb squad is called to a Satmar Hassidic synagogue in Lakewood, New Jersey after a grenade was found strapped to a utility pole nearby, according to local reports.”
Antisemitic gaslighting is playing on infinite repeat
It is important to remember that many #Jews have dealt with #antisemitic gaslighting for years. It is isolating, traumatizing, and has pushed many of us out of friendships and activism circles. What is happening now has been going on for years, but now it has intensified and feels worse than ever.
And if a Jew tells you something is antisemitic, and your impulse is to search for some fringe Jewish source to “prove” they are wrong, don’t do it. Also don’t cite your “Jewish friends” as if that gives you authority to talk over us. Just don’t. #Antisemitism
#TootYourShabbat Candle-lighting 6:12. I will barely be home. We’re having a daiya pizza, veggie curry dish, black bean dip, challah, no dessert 😿 except a couple leftover cookies. We should have salad but I haven’t rinsed the greens. #ShabbatShalom and chag sameach. #Challah#Food#Vegan
小苗✡️🌳. Jew. Here to share the floof. Passionate about #cats, cat floof, whiskers, and toe beans (in no particular order)! #FuzzyTummy snorgler. I boost images with #AltText.Profile pic: stylish lynx point Siamese ChunChun wearing a blue beret and a little bow tie. Banner: fluffy black and white kitty named Sprocket sniffing a brass chanukiyah.