I always took Kim Kardashian personally. Like girl, you made an entire generation hate how they look so bad they were filling and cutting and fluffing their faces only to see it does not age well and now we find out you’re part of an SA gang? Straight to to the gulag.
Do men understand that the Diddy parties involved men being drugged andd assaulted to? Don’t let the homophobia prevent you from acknowledging men were victims too. And they deserve justice, too.
I do not judge whatever two or three or multiple consenting adults want to do together with all the consent and agreed upon conduct, that adults decide upon prior. That is not what the Diddy “parties” were.
"The “Albertans Toasting Ted” fundraising event is billed as a “gathering of great Alberta families to remember and honor (sic) Ted Byfield,” a divisive socially conservative figure in Alberta politics who opposed gay rights & abortion & supported South African apartheid." #Canada#cdnpoli#Alberta
Don’t ever think of children in terms of citizenship, ethnicity, or distance from you. They are magical little creatures devoid of all life’s callouses and prejudices, and they deserve protection, no matter what.
I just found out the avg. Canadian no longer knows who Dr. Morgentaler is. He is one of my personal heroes, and a national hero. Dr. Morgentaler’s civil disobedience lead to Cdn women having bodily autonomy.
“a Canadian physician & abortion rights advocate who fought numerous legal battles aimed at expanding abortion rights in #Canada. As a Jewish youth during World War II, Morgentaler was imprisoned at the Łódź Ghetto & later at the Dachau concentration camp.”
Can someone with children in a Canadian school confirm that their kids are not learning about who Dr. Morgentaler is? I am shook? Ask your kids? I think I learned about him in high school? Why has his name been removed from our history?
I am really sad about the #NDP’s loss in LaSalle. It would have been such a clear directive to the government that Canadians want policy positions that respect Palestinian rights. It mattered so much more than Jagmeet’s outburst about the carbon tax. What an unbelievable unforced error.
Musk deleted his assassination tweet about Kamala Harris after the revocation of his national security clearance was called for. Damage is done, dude. #uspol