@jeffcliff@Yoruka "pfizer doesn't have some kind of secret data that somehow makes the public findings / outcomes of phase III trials not real."
Actually, YES IT DOES. Studies can be--and are--faked quite regularly. It would have been easier to have simply admitted that you didn't even bother to look up the data that the Federal court forced them to release. But you don't have the intellectual integrity to do that.
"Pfizer isn't the only company making such vaccines"
True, but irrelevant: The flaw is in the mRNA technology itself, regardless of the manufacturer. And also in the nature of rhinoviruses in general, and of coronaviruses in particular: THERE ARE NO VACCINES OF ANY TYPE THAT CAN PROVIDE THE GENERAL PUBLIC WITH PROTECTION AGAINST SUCH VIRAL EPIDEMICS, even if some individuals get some benefit.
Two reasons: Firstly, rhinoviruses mutate too quickly, and have antigenic mutability that is just far too high. This, all by itself, proves that the claims that the vaccine mandates were necessary for public safety to be KNOWING, WILLFUL LIES.
Secondly, mRNA vaccines are NOT sterilizing vaccines. A "sterilizing" vaccine is one that provides sterilizing immunity, which means it can prevent a pathogen from establishing an infection in the body entirely. Here are the key aspects of sterilizing vaccines:
1) Complete prevention: A sterilizing vaccine aims to eliminate a pathogen before it can replicate in the host
2) Antibody-mediated: Antibodies are the primary mediators of sterilizing immunity, though T cells may also contribute
3) Rapid response: The immune system neutralizes the pathogen quickly, ideally at the site of entry
4) Transmission prevention: By preventing infection, sterilizing immunity also stops the spread of the pathogen to new hosts
mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 do not provide sterilizing immunity:
There are several reasons for that--including pointed mentioned above--but the most important reason is because mRNA "vaccines" [sic] only present a single viral protein to the immune system, and NOT the virus itself. The immune system may use any and all aspects of a virus to create its response to a viral infection, not just a single protein.
A key dishonesty of the pro-mandate hoax was the failure to distinguish between the ability to reduce the severity of symptoms versus the ability to actually prevent the epidemic spread of the infection. Only sterilizing vaccines have any realistic hope of accomplishing the latter.
@jeffcliff@Yoruka@skylar But they claimed absolute effectiveness--probably to help make their distorted risk-benefit ratios appear to be valid. That's the problem.
Dyson spheres may not be the optimal way to harvest energy from a star, so looking for ET civilizations by finding their Dyson spheres may not be effective.
"They did a great job burying this HUGE story. Turns out we are in a several million year cold spell and nothing bad will happen if we get a bit warmer. Go to the WaPo article to see all the graphics"
YOU think that "government efficiency" means "less wasteful spending; eliminating unnecessary or improper government programs." But that's NOT how it works in practice, as the Mises Institute explains: