»For them, the victims are their brothers and their compatriots. And who can remain indifferent when your people are slaughtered so cruelly? Every Moroccan waiter in every remote Dutch town has seen much more of Gaza than the experts on Arab affairs in Israel. No decent person could remain indifferent to the images from Gaza. «
Warum melden eine britische (Jewish Chronicle) und eine deutsche Zeitung (BILD) falsche israelische Geheimdienst-Infos?
Das fragte sich auch die israelische Armee. Der Fall ist wild. Die Infos sind falsch, mindestens ein Autor ebenfalls, wahrscheinlich Teil einer Kampagne von Netanyahu, die rein zufällig genau in dessen eigene strategische Kommunikation passt.
Auch hier noch ein deutscher Artikel über die Fake-News der BILD, die gefälschte israelische Geheimdienst-Infos veröffentlichte, ganz im Sinne Netanyahus.
Die von BILD verbreiteten gefälschten Geheimdienst-Informationen sind weiterhin online. Konsequenzen für die Autoren Piatov und Ronzheimer? Darüber ist nichts bekannt.
Oh, krass. Während die BILD die gefälschten Geheimdienst-Infos bis heute nicht korrigiert haben, hat die Untersuchung der israelischen Armee tatsächlich Folgen gehabt.
Bei hochrangigen Mitarbeitern von Netanyahu klicken die Handschellen.
>>Amit Segal, Netanyahu's Tucker Carlson, says live on TV that Netanyahu & his family have a decades-old relationship with BILD , the German paper that published classified IDF intel docs, thus tying the Prime Minister directly to the publication of tampered docs. Congrats.<< (Quelle: Noga Tarnopolsky)
Der isralische Sender Channel14 berichtet über die Einheit der Armee, deren Aufgabe es war, eine Gegend rund um den Netzarim-Korridor, der den Norden von #Gaza vom Rest abtrennt zu einer Todeszone zu machen, in dem jedes einzelne Gebäude komplett dem Erdboden gleich gemacht wurde und in dem auf alles geschossen wird, was sich bewegt.
»“This wasn’t something that happened just here and there but rather on a large scale throughout a number of different units, at different times, throughout the war and in different places,” said Joel Carmel, advocacy director of Breaking the Silence, an organization that collects and verifies testimonies from troops who have served in the occupied Palestinian territories.«
»Breaking the Silence also provided what it said was visual evidence of the practice. A photograph from northern Gaza shared by the group shows soldiers standing next to two prisoners the group says were being used as human shields. The men sit on the ledge of a blown-out window in a shattered building — wrists tied, eyes covered and heads bowed.«
»One was a teenager, he said, while the other appeared to be in his 20s. “I asked why we need them,” the soldier said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media. He remembers his commander replying that it would be better if the Palestinians were killed by any potential booby traps and that the lives of Israeli soldiers were more important.«
»The reservist said a group of soldiers in his unit questioned the use of human shields. One told a more senior commander, he said, that the practice violated international law. “He told us that international law is not important and the only thing that simple soldiers need to think about is the ethical code of the IDF,” the soldier said.«
»Inside the siege of northern #Gaza, where ‘death waits around every corner’ Limbs scattered on the streets, shelters set ablaze, hundreds trapped inside hospitals: Palestinians detail the apocalyptic scenes of Israel’s latest campaign.« https://www.972mag.com/northern-gaza-siege-jabalia-beit-lahiya/