Aktuell befindet sich ein Kriegsverbrecher in Europa, der selbst damit geprahlt hat zivile Gebäude (mehrere Wohngebäude und eine Schule) zerstört zu haben und gibt an, dass es für ihn keine Zivilisten gibt. Der Mann befindet sich möglicherweise in Deutschland oder Österreich, dortige Behörden haben die Gelegenheit ihn festnehmen.
Bitte was hat der Verwaltungsgerichtshof #Österreich da entschieden?
Die haben mal eben die rechtliche Anerkennung von #trans Personen generell gekippt? So richtig wie in den Faschosstaaten in denen Orban, Putin und Republicans regieren?
»There are 98 Israeli captives being held by Hamas, with 10-fold or perhaps 100-fold more Palestinian captives in Israel's hands. They, too, are hostages, held without trial or attorney, without visits by the Red Cross, with no known identity or message to their families. Most of them are innocent, as are the Israeli captives, and the cruelty toward them in their captivity does not lag behind Hamas' cruelty. Ignoring their fates is tantamount to employing doubles standards at its worst.«
>>The World Food Programme (WFP) strongly condemns the horrifying incident on January 5, when a clearly marked WFP convoy was shot at by Israeli forces near the Wadi Gaza checkpoint, putting the lives of our staff at tremendous risk and leaving the vehicles immobilized. <<
>>The convoy, consisting of three vehicles carrying eight staff members, came under hostile fire despite having received all of the necessary clearances from Israeli authorities. At least 16 bullets struck the vehicles.
Thankfully, no staff members were injured in this terrifying encounter.<<
»DW's investigative unit has reviewed emails and classified documents, and spoken with dozens of sources from the development sector in Germany, Israel and the occupied West Bank. The findings indicate that the defunding of Zochrot and New Profile are part of a larger pattern of cutting federal funds for human rights organizations that have been critical of the Israeli government's policies and the ongoing war in Gaza.«
»Since the October 7, 2023 Hamas-led attacks on Israel, Germany has also stopped funding at least six Palestinian organizations. The sources DW spoke with all agreed that the move was political, an attempt to silence critical voices amid shrinking space for civil society in Israel. They also claimed Germany's decision was taken under Israeli pressure.«
Sehr interessanter Artikel darüber wie #Deutschland zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen, in #Israel die Förderung entzieht um Netanjahu dabei zu helfen seine Kritiker aus dem Weg zu räumen.
»#Germany defunds 2 Israeli human rights groups The German government has quietly cut funding for Zochrot and New Profile, following an earlier defunding of Palestinian NGOs. Some observers fear the move will shrink space for those critical of the Israeli government.« https://p.dw.com/p/4ooxQ
In #Israel haben nun 8 Mitglieder des Parlaments aus dem Außen - und Verteidigungsausschuss (aus Parteien der Regierungskoalition) ein Schreiben an den Verteidungsminister Katz geschickt in dem sie ihn zum Handeln in #Gaza auffordern.
Das vorgeschlagene ähnelt dem vorgeschlagenen Generäle-Plan oder tatsächlich durchgeführten von Nord-Gaza - durchweg Kriegsverbrechen, durchweg Genozidale Vorschläge:
Das ganze soll für ganz Gaza gelten. Bevölkerung soll in sichere Bereiche transferiert werden. Was das genau sein soll, wo die hin sollen? Das steht nicht. Hauptsache weg, und wer nicht freiwillig geht und eine weiße Flagge schwenkt einfach getötet werden.
Wie gesagt - es sind keine Politiker die irgendwie besonders marginalisierte Einzelpolitiker sind sondern einflussreiche Knesset-Abgeordnete der Regierungskoalition. Darunter auch Ariel Kallner, der schon im vorletzten Jahr die ethnische Säuberung Gazas forderte, beste Beziehungen zur EU-Kommission hat und in im Europaparlament ein- und ausgeht.
»Far-right Knesset members urge Israeli military to destroy Gaza's water, food and energy sources In a letter, eight members of the Knesset urged Katz to destroy Gaza's food, water, and energy, saying that Israel's brutal war hadn't gone far enough«
»“As we have repeatedly reminded Israel, international humanitarian law comprises a set of universal and binding rules to protect civilian objects and persons who are not, or are no longer, directly participating in hostilities and limits permissible means and methods of warfare,” the experts said.
“Rather than abide by these rules, Israel has openly defied international law time and again, inflicting maximum suffering on civilians in the occupied Palestinian territory and beyond.”«
»On Christmas Eve, the IDF's "Gazafication" of the #WestBank was on full display, as 8 Palestinians, including two innocent women, were killed by drone strikes in Tulkarm, and bulldozers destroyed infrastructure in the Nur Shams refugee camp. This is not an isolated incident 🧵«. B'Tselem #israel https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1871943603297403224.html