Omg, my dad owns a #TMNT #TTRPG game book. ?
I haven't researched it yet, so idk when it's from, but based on the artwork, it must have been around the time that the OG comics were big, back when they all wore red masks (well... they were B&W on the pages). He owns a ton of weird old TTRPGs, but this one is pretty wild to me.
I flipped through it and it's crazy, you make your own animal mutant to rp, there's multiple classes... it's kinda crazy. Haven't really looked into the rules yet, I'm assuming it's not something adapted, like a D20 type system, it's probably its own thing.
I can't believe this was a thing. lol
#TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles #RPG #Roleplaying #RoleplayingGames