My little #solarpunk indoor gardening project is coming along nicely, and seeing new seeds sprout (here: sunflowers and kohlrabi) fills me with joy. 🥰 Using only things I’ve already had or scavenged, I’m slowly turning a cupboard in my kitchen into an indoor food garden. Once I’m done and figure out energy needs, my final goal will be to try and build a solar panel to power it.
Ps. Seeds to grow and a powertool I got for free at the #library in #Tøyen. Extra wood I had from before, and found some more that I needed on 🥰 The small greenhouse and grow lights I bought new three years ago, but if I need more, there’s enough listings for used ones in my area.
#Kampen is the best btw, the local florist shop Blomsterenga ❤️ gives away small plastic flower pots instead of throwing them out, so I got me a supply to satisfy my indoor (and balcony) gardening.
Update on my #solarpunk indoor-garden: I added another shelf with a light, and installed a raspberry pi to take soil moisture measurements for a few trickier plants (basil and paprika). Have sunflowers, kohlrabi, beans, parsley, savory, rocket, poppies, and rosemary. Some will be moved to windowsill / balcony once their time comes.
Hey #tech worker, if you want to have any control over what happens to the products you work on and who your employer signs contracts with, you gotta make sure you, your team, and your department is #unionized. Don’t procrastinate this. There is power in a union.
There was a “No #tech for genocide” demo in #Oslo this week, and here’s a list of organizations supporting it. If you haven’t joined a #union yet, there are three on this list (NTL for state workers, Handel og Kontor which won’t really make sense for you as a tech worker, and El og IT for workers in private companies).
I am happy to say I'll be speaking at the next Green Software Foundation in-person event in Oslo! It's going to be an introduction to measuring your IT organization's carbon footprint with out-of-the-box tools. The event is free! 🙂
I decided to run an experiment this year that I’m excited about! My goal is to test the #libraryeconomy (it’s the future) in practice. I set up a simple spreadsheet for myself and my friends (and hopefully, friends of friends) to create a “things library”. Whatever’s there, we can borrow from each other, free of charge. Stuff such as instruments or tools, but also things that take up space and are not used often, such as an extra duvet for guests, or hiking gear. #solarpunk#sustainability
👋 Software Engineer, beginner drummer and powerlifting wannabe. A cranky luddite, a hopeful solarpunker.Member of #Rødt / #Roedt and unionized in #ElogIT.Originally from Warsaw, Poland