Meta has launched its new social media platform, Threads. For now, it's only been released in hundreds of countries outside the EU, as the EU's privacy regulations are too strict for Meta's new Twitter rival. I will let you know when I have a chance to download the app. Also, it might be a little while before they actually open up for federation with the rest of ActivityPub. You're so damn right! This is something different, something better. I like microblogging. Short, small and meaningful conversations.
Think of the internet as a city. Big social media? They're like the bustling main street with fancy coffee shops and restaurants. But the fediverse? It's the rest of the city, with unique local coffee shops. Niche at first, but it'll go mainstream.
I believe the fediverse will house countless niche communities, surpassing big social media in total. It's a whole new world, connecting people based on shared interests. Exciting times ahead!
Norwegian dude with heart for decentralized social media.You'll probably see me post about marketing, AI, technology, social media, fediverse, metaverse, and whatever comes to mind.Norwegian account is found on Mastodon 🇳🇴