@ferricoxide@arstechnica Right. My dad (81 years old) has this memory. He knew people who were paralyzed from polio. He knew families that lost a child to measles. He knew people who were sterile from mumps. Well, soon we will again know this.
@adamconover I hope it’s the first half of a Neal Stephenson novel where a beautifully elaborate stage is being meticulously set and not the second half where he just wraps everything up Game of Thrones style with a brief sidebar on regular expressions.
Elections are won or lost in the last two weeks. And wow, what a week this has been.
"In 2000, eighteen per cent said that they decided which Presidential candidate to vote for only in the last two weeks of the campaign; five per cent, enough to swing most elections, decided the day they voted."
Waiting for the day when I can tell the kids to quit putting Brawndo on the crops. Eclectic. Atlanta metro, north Georgia, USA. Will play blitz #chess for tacos.Header image of hand with book from Lemuria Books, Jackson, MS https://www.lemuriabooks.com/