Attention people on the Fediverse. When an individual on Mastodon responds to you with a statement such as “Go away with your 💩” and subsequently blocks you, it often serves as an indication that while they acknowledge the validity of your argument, they are unable to tolerate it.
It’s mind-blowing how much more engaging Mastodon is compared to Threads.
Zuckerberg quickly added Threads to Instagram, and with all that money behind it, you’d think it would be a hit. But Mastodon keeps showing that organic growth is always the way to go.
@mastodonmigration There’s only one reason to join to test if Mastodon is for you. If you’re still using Mastodon after two weeks, it’s time to move to an instance that aligns with your values. The whole idea behind Mastodon is decentralization. There should never be just one main instance.
So X (Twitter) is closed in Brazil. Can anyone recommend a Brazilian based Mastodon instance? Of course, if you are from Brazil and you like what CosmicNation is doing, you are welcome to join us:
Some of our Mastodon users are receiving spam today. I'm doing analyzes while suspending the reported accounts. Of course, this spam is coming from instances allowing users to create free accounts and without an approval process. It's just the way it is. If the instance is insignificant we defederate from the instance.
As suspected. The spam is coming from instances where their irresponsible owner/admin isn't an active user anymore. Basically abandoned instances, that just let their door wide open for free registrations without approval. Some of the owners are being contacted when no response within the next 48 hours I will defederate the instances in question. #CosmicNation#Spam#Moderation#Administration#Mastodon#Fediverse
#OnThisDayToday it is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. From 1941 to 1945 Nazi Germany and its collaborators committed the systematic murder of over six million Jews. The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah, was Nazi Germany’s “Final Solution” for eliminating all Jewish people within Nazi Germany’s grasp. By the end of this heinous act, roughly two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population had been murdered.
Owner of and lead sysadminOur mastodon community is all about conscious living. Interested in joining? Read more about what makes our instance so special: