@ian It's interesting because I am not seeing a whole lot of that until I go to the federated timeline. I do have a pretty "hefty" blocklist though- some stuff might not be getting through.
And oh my yes, relationships/study/practice is the success triad.
I think what's making Mastodon intimidating for new people **right now** isn't that it's "different than #Twitter".
After all, Twitter was different than Facebook, which was different than MySpace.
It's that it's different **for all of us all at once** instead of the slow drips and drabs that came with learning new systems organically. This is adding to a cacophony and I experienced it myself back in April during my #TwitterMigration.
So, for new people to the #Fediverse, let me tell you- it's not normally all people talking about the social network itself.
Back in April, someone described it like it's your first day as a freshman in high school- you're trying to figure it all out, along with a bunch of other people all at the same time. I felt the same way and it feels apt.
That feeling also goes away as folks settle into routines. Eventually the posts will be about life and not Mastodon.
Linux mom!Nerdy Minnesota lady making videos about Linux, retro/vintage tech, and other geeky topics. COBOL/sysadmin/web. Lifelong musician. Bop-It enthusiast. Always state-skeptical. Married to @jacqui. She/her pronouns.Linux is awesome, and so are you!Occasionally locked- follows from humans welcomed (put a bio up). Most of my toots self destruct after two weeks!List-o-tags: #Linux #Minnesota #Minneapolis #StPaul #Retro #RetroTech #Music #Amiga #Commodore #BopIt