Notices by lilli (, page 5
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i put on the cassock and there's no more self-hate, just angelmode
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the only thing to counterbalance my very low self-esteem is the knowledge that i'm constantly serving (at the altar)
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if it's good enough for a medieval peasant, it ought to be good enough for me. only candlelight at night? good enough for me. only one set of clothes? good enough for me. only bread to eat? good enough for me. slaughtered by raiders? good enough for me. semi-pelagianism? good enough for me
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prayer is better than sleep because in sleep one rests one's being in quiet and in darkness, whereas in prayer one rests Being itself in the greater night of God and the silence of the Name
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in québec a 16 y/o cannot date the demiurge unless they are a gnostic (i.e. the demiurge is not an authority figure)
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putting my head in my lap and closing my eyes on the bus just to feel something. if i miss my stop i miss my stop. the demiurge can't stop me
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ten mins later nearly passed out on the bus
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so far, 27hrs awake is not bad when it's prefaced by 15hrs asleep. i've still got more juice in me. alleluia
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strolling up to class on no hours of sleep with a handout which Makes You Question My Sanity
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on sunday-monday i did an all-nighter on the anti-mendicant controversy and felt quasy. on tuesday-wednesday i have been doing an all-nighter illustrating pseudo-dionysius with little diagrams and have never felt better
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you COULD write your presentation handout PDF in Word, or you COULD use FOSS like LibreOffice, or you COULD follow the maddening voices: use GIMP
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@anathema i get told i have 24 hours to live and try to speedrun from baptism to communion to confirmation to confession to marriage to ordination (don't worry this isn't prot nonsense my spouse died) to extreme unction
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anti-circumcision people are the old testament, anti-baptism people will be the new testament. angry that their parents circumcised their hearts. despondent that they will never get to be an unbaptized super soldier
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@anathema sadly it's based on a false story
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unbaptized. churched. hungry. in my pew. famished. communing
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this is also true for mammalian life but the implications are extremely horrifying
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the present is cool. there are ~27 year 100 world populations running around today. 27x more human experiences happening now as then. so many strange implications there. the amount of human life lived each year has become so much denser
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@anathema i'm so excited for you to end up with both AGP and AAP. your life is going to be so interesting
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slept 15 hours and remembered that it's all about love
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sitting in the kitchen w my bro just singing "Send Us Thine Asteroid, O Lord" over and over again
neolemurian #faustbro
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