When I talk about digital privacy, there is always some smug genius who shrugs and tells me, "Who cares? We all know we don't have any privacy anyway." Nothing could be more wrong. Convincing you that the fight is already over to the way people in power get you to stop resisting.
If you own a Tesla, your car is covered in cameras that take images reviewed by Tesla employees, who share them with each other, joke about them, and make them into memes.
Everything about Durov's statement is so profoundly dishonest that I feel like engaging in a point-by-point debunking is a waste of time. If most of the messages on your platform are not end-to-end encrypted AT ALL, it is less private and secure than platforms whose messages are all e2e by default.
This is your regular reminder that most communications on Telegram are not end-to-end encrypted. Channels and groups are never end-to-end encrypted and 1-on-1 messages are only end-to-end when explicitly enabled.
Important fashion update: my silver bias-cut "space royalty" gown and silver star Hedy Lamarr headdress were a great success. On theme. Would wear again.
I cannot overstate how dangerous to free speech and a healthy democracy it is to redefine all anti-Zionism and criticism of the state of Israel as antisemitism. You know who's loudly critical of Zionism and the Israeli govt? Jews. A lot of Jews.
If you're the person who stole the package from my foyer, I hope you're enjoying Police and the Empire City: Race and the Origins of Modern Policing in New York.
I got a notification at the Bad Place informing me that they have reviewed my account and generously granted me Premium for free, along with a blue check.
I also haven't been able to log into the website on Firefox for about a month. So that's how things are going over there.
I have experimented with privacy/security advice chatbots and I have discovered that the part of my expertise I absolutely cannot replicate is figuring out what the person I'm talking to isn't telling me.