Notices by MathIIIX (, page 5
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MathIIIX ('s status on Saturday, 06-Apr-2024 17:59:48 JST MathIIIX The Greek one looks the nicest
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MathIIIX ('s status on Thursday, 04-Apr-2024 16:17:51 JST MathIIIX They forgot to say, 20 squats and a squirt 🤣
cui.png -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Wednesday, 03-Apr-2024 18:16:02 JST MathIIIX @dcc @realman543
4dtjrs.jpg -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Wednesday, 03-Apr-2024 17:52:32 JST MathIIIX @realman543 @dcc why th f they don't said & on Jupiter's cuck? -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Wednesday, 03-Apr-2024 17:49:29 JST MathIIIX @dcc it works only with shift+>
or shift< -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Wednesday, 03-Apr-2024 17:40:23 JST MathIIIX @dcc work on the keyboard?? how? -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Wednesday, 03-Apr-2024 17:37:00 JST MathIIIX {and}
wt on Jupiter's cock they mean by that? -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Wednesday, 03-Apr-2024 17:37:00 JST MathIIIX wtf [and] key they talk about??? mpv keybindings
rth.png -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Sunday, 31-Mar-2024 10:57:59 JST MathIIIX he can make probably a negative split also
GJ9nq2-WwAA1EyT.jpg -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Wednesday, 27-Mar-2024 09:39:32 JST MathIIIX In business you need to be a tiger..
efh.png -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Monday, 25-Mar-2024 16:53:33 JST MathIIIX Had some fun, 2 days downtime due to some electric panel meltdown..fix it myself but a retard :jak_dumb: from the store gave me a broken fuse 🤬.. -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Saturday, 23-Mar-2024 18:06:08 JST MathIIIX I wonder how many new instances spawn each day? -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Friday, 22-Mar-2024 19:44:25 JST MathIIIX @Humpleupagus @Fiddle @p smart watch? -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Friday, 22-Mar-2024 15:32:29 JST MathIIIX @dcc ok ok
ssv is the dcc of starnix -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Friday, 22-Mar-2024 15:32:06 JST MathIIIX @dcc :greek_pepe:
8bsdry.jpg -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Friday, 22-Mar-2024 14:36:56 JST MathIIIX dcc is the ssv of anni 😆 -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Sunday, 17-Mar-2024 19:04:25 JST MathIIIX After trying about a year or more, dark themes I've finally landed on a conclusion. Dark themes are for normies..
A dark themes may look cool but for the eyes it's like you wanna kick their butts or something..Dark theme doesn't push enough light thru the retina so it tires your eyes possibly giving astigmatism or worse over longer period of time.
On x used on mobile + webapp only dark theme. It's nasty..
So my dark themes journey has felled on its butt for good.. -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Saturday, 16-Mar-2024 18:24:37 JST MathIIIX @Purp1Lady I think it's garf a fedi user idk, was around our instance if I remember correctly -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Friday, 08-Mar-2024 14:30:42 JST MathIIIX @Purp1Lady
Hmm yes, ani was down too..think was some network issue -
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MathIIIX ('s status on Monday, 04-Mar-2024 20:58:28 JST MathIIIX @blockbot