@georgetakei So the weirdos can literally threaten to kill the President, VP, judges, Dist Attys, poll workers, school board members, doctors, congressmen, FBI agents. They literally do kill grocery shoppers, movie goers, synagogue attendees, church attendees, school children, Walmart shoppers. And they melt down over a mask. Gawd, the weirdness is overwhelming.
@georgetakei Put 2 centipedes out in past week. Catch them in paper towel. Place out next to patio. They seem so happy. Gotta watch those little devils. They BITE! My cats act as spotters, thank goodness. As they are hard to see on carpet.
@georgetakei Judy Garland used to tell a story of a moth flying in her mouth while she was singing, I think Greek Theater open air concert. She said she couldn't spit it out, wouldn't be proper, so tucked it away in her cheek till she finished the song. 😂😂
@georgetakei Deep South. I keep mine on 78F, day and night. I can't afford otherwise. Have a fan pointing toward me also, day and night. I grew up without AC at home, school and car. We had an attic fan. I do think it is hotter now than back then, though. In winter, I keep it on 60F. I like fleece and flannel 😊😀
@georgetakei Years ago, my previous neighbor and I shared cutting the middle between our houses. When he cut his grass, he cut the middle. When I mowed, I cut it. We were neighbors for 27 years.
@georgetakei Misogyny and racism defeated Ms Clinton. After a black man was our President, no way the "good ol boys AND their wives" would actually vote for the most qualified, intelligent, fair minded, forward thinking, democratic person we had. Just look at how the rw "press" smeared her. It was blatantly disgusting. And all for an orange idiot baffoon putin-puppet. Sick.
Love animals, nature, #filmnoir, Golden Age of Hollywood, #JudyGarland. #Catmom to two 16 year feisty old lady sweeties, Liza and Sid. #seniorcats. Blue ?