You can be "a busy bee", because we all know bees are hard workers.
If something is "the bee's knees", it's great. I don't know why, I would have to look it up.
And if you have something on your mind that you won't shut up about, then obvisouly you "have a bee in your bonnet", even though no one wears bonnets anymore, except during historical reenactments.
My question is this - what are the common bee-related phrases in other languages?
"Today, three-fifths of all clothing ends up in landfills or incinerators within a year of production—a statistic that translates into a truckload of used clothing dumped or burned every second."
Avatar image: a chameleon choosing a book from a shelf in a library.I’m Emma (she/her). A pro #diversity human who likes many things, including tea and biscuits, #books and #steampunk.Happy to chat, but not to argue. Say hello!IRL, I'm a freelance writer. I spend my days #writing (mainly science), and as @OrbitalGardens I talk about growing plants in space. Yes, really.Based in Oxfordshire, UK. #ActuallyAutistic