New video: Let's Code MS DOS 0x26: AdLib Drum Machine
Programming the OPL2 FM chip on the original AdLib card can be a bit tedious. Join me in this episode to learn how to program the drums on the AdLib card to create a simple sequencer or drum machine. In the future we will also look at the melodic instruments, but for now we try to create some nice percussion!
so way back in 1990, my family still hadn't made the jump to a PC yet. all we had was a TRS-80 Color Computer, and a Mattel Intellivision.
but we had just moved to an acreage in another province, and i found out that one of the neighbours' dads had a computer: a Zenith AT/XT
my friend's dad would come home with random diskettes, probably copied from someone at his chemical engineering job. we'd pop them in and usually find something decent to play.
we played a lot of cga two-player SOPWITH.COM and a moon patrol clone that was honestly pretty good, even in eyeball-piercing magenta.
but one day he came home with a disk that just said 'JOLT' on it. we ran the exe, and i was instantly blown away. it was a jolt can, perfectly digitized in VGA, spinning around in circles faster and faster, until it was barely recognizable. i watched the animation a dozen times before my friends got bored and wanted to play something else.
the next day, i told my best friends at school about the animation. no one believed me, and the diskette "mysteriously" disappeared the next time i visited my buddy's house.
i was haunted by the jolt cola can animation for decades. that is, until a while ago i ended up finding it buried in an ms-dos demoscene site.
here it is, over 30 years later, with an original file date of February 22, 1990. ❤️
Text is one of the most fundamental things people work with when using a computer. Yet there's a lot more to text than meets the eye - text encodings, codepages, scancodes, font hinting and kerning, complex script handling, endianness, OS-dependent line endings, extended ASCII for drawing "pictures" in text, control "characters", etc., etc. I'd have to learn a fair bit in order to make a good article on it, but should I try and write an article on what a computer's idea of "text" is and the history behind it?
Okay, I've seen plenty of MS-DOS games using PKZIP SFX, LHA is also quite common, especially with Amiga games. But, I think, Commander Keen is the first game in my retro library I noticed to use ARJ SFX. It must be pretty rare...
The Amsterdam Compiler Kit (#ack) makes it very easy to setup (C, Fortran, Basic, Pascal) cross compilers for #cpm and #msdos (both real and protected mode) targets. I did work on a little library with it to make it a bit easier to do pure c98 development and used this project to standardize future ack practices. I may see if I can do a useful subset of it with #sdcpp .
Someone recently discovered the early copy of 86-DOS (the pre-cursor to PC-DOS/MS-DOS). This person made a video exploring it. This is version 0.11 from July 1980 previously seen by less than a dozen people.
Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels are a fantastical comedic romp through a crazy world of heroes, villains and improbable but familiar situations.
The 1995 graphical adventure loosely follows the "Guards, Guards!" book and adorns the game with gorgeous art and voice acting and a small pixel font for us to admire.
If you have ever worked with Deluxe Paint or heard about it, be sure to check out PyDPainter, a great and free resurrection of the legendary DPaint pixel editor.
So, I remember a game from the early 90s that was a dungeon crawler, but everything was branded with I think IOMEGA, and you had to hunt down bad sectors.
I'm pretty sure it came as a bonus with a box of 3.5" floppies.
I can't seem to find anything on google, is there a decent list of #RetroGames#MSDOS#DOSGames somewhere?
I am Ștefan (ș as sh, I also accept Stephan or the equivalent in your language). I’m 21 years old, ♑, he/him, proud #leftist and soon to graduate CS @ UVABc. Sort of proudly living in #romania. My native language is Romanian, fairly proficient at English, slowly learning #finnish (and #italian).