But depending on my `fdconfig.sys` I either get it in a boot-loop (IDK if from b.com or 9dos) or a kernel-panic from 9dos (at least it's getting out of b.com!).
Anyone have troubleshooting resources for adjusting #FreeDOS `fdconfig.sys` or #Qemu flags (or other emulators) for circa-1992 software?
I'm too young to remember config.sys, and my #RetroComputing hasn't involved much #DOS yet.
But remember how we used to have a bunch of bootloaders and kernels that were #MSDOS programs, so that #DOS could initialize the hardware for it (eg: syslinux)? That's the #Plan9 1e process; run `b.com` from DOS, and that will load the `9dos` kernel.
And unlike Solaris 2 or RISC/os or whatever, #FreeDOS is #FreeSoftware and is easy to get running in #Qemu.
@fanta Buenisimo! El #FreeDOS anda perfectamente bien con procesadores de texto, y muchos (no todos) los juegos de viejo DOS. En cuanto a procesadores, tenés desde los viejos y peludos FreeDOS Edit (clon del EDIT del DOS), pasando por Word y WordPerfect para DOS, o montones de editores libres o sahreware, como los PC-Write, Boxer (para DOS), Breeze, Galaxy (clon de WP), DOVE (clon de microEmacs), etc.
To my fellow blind DOS users. I have some real machines and genuine hardware synthesizers, but at the moment, they're not available. I have a Windows 3.1 virtual machine with ASAP installed. Someone gave it to me a few years ago. But I think there's a problem with com0com. I have both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. I think the older one I used wouldn't work on 64-bit systems. Regardless, I forget how to use it. I know I need to set it to com9, so that ASAP thinks I'm using a Braille-N-Speak, when it's really NVDA that's outputting the speech. Can anyone help me? Also, I know that many developments have taken place since the last official version of MS-DOS, from FreeDOs, to FreeDOS-32, to Enhanced DR-DOS. I also know that the Provox screen reader has been made open source. To my knowledge, it's the only one that has. Has anyone tried to update it or use it with the later versions of DOS? What about real software synthesizers? Is there any way for me to obtain a full version of Vocal-Eyes, now that the company that made it isn't even around anymore, let alone supporting it?
Up to the point where I obtain the #Freedos 1.3 USB image and use guestfish to swap out FDAUTO.BAT, bringing the #reedos system right to the C:\> prompt.
Getting to this point takes ~2GB of dependencies and because of virtualization, I need to cheat a bit on the docker image creation and rely on the host kernel image release version being available as a linux-image package in Ubuntu. This means that the produced docker image is less portable but there's not a great way around it.
- Fixed a bug when viewing threads in notification screen. - Implemented setting for CW toots (default collapsed or visible) - Fixed dates - Fixed image viewing - Added help to toot editor - Changed some colors - Updated #curl to 8.9.1 - Added ALT text for image uploads
Since I did not expect any help or get any about freedos and #qemu I was able to figure it out for myself that I could use fat🇷🇼path to generate a fat instance of a directory tree and make that a drive, though it spits out a warning. Freedos 12 behaved poorly in qemu curses, but the newest 13 does so correctly. Sadly, in terms of my goals, most of the #freedos devel tooling require running 32 bit protected mode extenders like go32v2 rather than offer and do true real mode dos builds, though.
Sigo tratando de darle vidilla a mi blog. He publicado una entrada en la que explico mis desventuras para poder transferir ficheros desde mi equipo a un #FreeDOS virtualizado.