lxo subscribers, page 9
These are the people who listen to lxo's notices.
rikylinux_ar rikylinux
Club de Software Libre(cofundador)https://softlibre.com.arMi blog gnuxero.softlibre.com.ar#Gnu #Trisquel #Devuan #Arch #xmpp
hcv13 hcv13 🇵🇸
"Cuando a la cultura se la disfruta como a un privilegio, la cultura envilece tanto como el oro".Aníbal Norberto Ponce (1898-1938)
marcelosoaressouza Marcelo Soares Souza
I am an enthusiast of Social Technologies, Citizen Science, Open Data and Agroecology who seeks to learn from nature how to integrate and contribute to the construction of a healthier, regenerative and sustainable world. Maintainer of the Agroecology Map and One Million Voices of Agroecology platformsBorn and raised in Salvador (da #Bahia) and migrant in BrasíliaPosts in Portuguese, English and Spanish
AgroecologyMap Agroecology Map
Agroecology Map is an Open Platform that aims to assist in the mapping and exchange of experiences with the aim of bringing people together to strengthen and create new collaborative networks that enhance the sharing of real (and imaginary) experiences in Agroecology (Agroforestry Systems, Permaculture, Food Sovereignty and Others)🌱💚
daltux Daltux
😻 :debian: :gnu: :linux: 🌻Feline friend. #FreeSoftware (#FreeAsInFreedom) supporter for 20+ years. IT analyst at a Brazilian university, focusing on programming, #GNU/Linux sysadmin etc.Photos: 👤 #MemeTheCat; 🌎️ a Landsat collage🔤: 🇵🇹 > 🏴Amigo de felinos. Partidário do #SoftwareLivre há 20+ anos. Analista de TI no ensino superior público brasileiro, envolvido com desenvolvimento, gestão de servidores GNU/Linux etc.🆘 🧑💻 :fediverso: Ayom GT-TI (IT group)#nobridge
luck02 Luciano Silva https://trisquel.info
Interesses: São Paulo Futebol Clube, Vegetariano, Comunismo, MST, Agrofloresta, Software Livre GNU, trisquel.info hyperbola.info librecmc.org replicant.us Contatos: tox 21355F789F00B92632F450A58A9874AC9E32288F94BFF183B4EE693407709B70F9895D3AF2E6 xmpp luck002@suchat.org email luck-002@riseup.net
mangeurdenuage mangeurdenuage :gnu: :trisquel: :gondola_head: 🌿 :abeshinzo: :ignucius:
32yo wizard. FR/ENG (biological male).Searching for potential wife (biological woman)& :good_girl: Currently on keto."Every criticism, judgement, diagnosis, and expression of anger is the tragic expression of an unmet need.""When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.""Et pourtant je veux vivre ou survivre, sans poème, sans blesser tous ceux que j'aime".
jrballesteros05 Chucho :artix:
I am an Artixlinux user, I love Free Software philosophy and I apply as much as I can, even for work.A bit obsessed with KISS principle. I like configuring servers in Linux. I am a big fan of Python language, especially for scripts and Data science. I am glad to accept you as follower except if you don't have any interaction in your account.
igormuzetti igormuzetti
Professor Doutor em Ciência da Computação. Pesquisador em Engenharia e Qualidade de Software, Sistemas Contemporâneos (IoT, embarcados), Hardware e Software Livre. Tenista amador, tutor de Red Heeler e Corinthiano.
lukeshu Luke T. Shumaker
I am a programmer/hacker, and advocate of software freedom.Contributing to Parabola GNU/Linux-libre since 2011. :parabola:Please sponsor my work on improving the GNU/Linux ecosystem. Let me stub my toe on things so you don't have to!I mostly follow people, not hashtags. If I follow you out of nowhere, it probably means that someone I follow boosted one of your toots, and I liked it. So I follow lots of friend-of-acquaintances.Boiler up!
erici Eric Ireland
Soil science PhD student in Melbourne, Australia. I’m interested in #soil and #microbiology. I discovered SDF through mastodon while I was trying to learn about UNIX to do my #bioinformatics work. SDF member since 2022.
daviwil David Wilson
Scheme hacker, writer, game developer, and Emacs inhabitor living in Athens, Greece.I make videos about GNU Emacs, GNU Guix, Guile Scheme, and related topics on the System Crafters channel on YouTube.✅ emacs mention in the profile#gnu #emacs #guix #lisp #scheme #gamedev
pretentious7 pretentious7
I like computers, lambda calculus, and type theoretic proofs, among other things.Currently in NYC.I'm also a hindu.(PS. follow reqs are mostly automatic, just have a profile pic and some posts)
rober Roberto :verified_gay:
Administrador de Mastodon en https://masto.es. ¿Tienes dudas acerca de Mastodon o el servidor? ¡Pregunta!Sígueme para estar al tanto de las novedades sobre Mastodon y https://masto.es. Puedes saber más sobre el servidor en https://masto.es/about Sigo a personas que hablan español para añadirlas a la federación de https://masto.es #tootfinder
ark74 Luis Guzman
Activista de SL, Filósofo Amateur, Ingeniero Sofista, Soñador Empedernido, Idealista Dinámico y Orgulloso desarrollador y usuario de Software Libre.Be #Useful #Kind #Grateful #Trisquel #GNU #LinuxLibre #Mexico #CMXSLHablemos de #SoftwaLibre¡Se Libre!
phaedral Robert Link
"Robert is an attorney. Prior to entering law he worked as a personaldevelopment seminar trainer, and was lead trainer and course designerfor Neuro-Linguistic Programming practitioner and master-practitionerlevel certification courses. Material from before his legal career canbe found at http://semanticrestructuring.com
jschwart Julius Schwartzenberg
yuenbrascubas yuenbrascubas