People listed in foss by gnusocialjp
cosmin Cosmin
Software developer, allergic to #GAFAM and to proprietary software. Uses #GNU/#Linux. Contributes to #OpenStreetMap. Supports the #FSF. Listens to #trance and #progressive. Likes #comics.
Pawlicker PC-9801 Enjoyer
send paws and pc-98 screencapsPC-98 systems: Cx3 with Winchip 2-200, H98 Model 80 (with 487sx upgrade).
Suiseiseki 翠星石
[[[ To any NSA, CIA & FBI agents reading my profile; please consider ]]][[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]][[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]Free software extremist who enjoys freedom and posting ですぅ.Please don't confuse me with an "open source" supporter ですぅ.GNU+Jihad against proprietary and "open source" software ですぅぅぅぅぅぅ!!!ⓘ User is part of an online terrorist organization.ですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅです
neko Nekobit [new here]
[: hi im new here :] You get the posts you deserve!KDE contributor and developer of my own things. Serious posting twink :marseyhomofascist:
kasaitoushi2004 笠井闘志
2004年生まれ。小説執筆と旅行が趣味。第一言語は日本語。英語, ドイツ語およびエスペラントをほんの少し運用できる。自由ソフトウェアに関心を持つ。通信制高校であるN高等学校に在学。
meeee meeee :xmpp: :parabola:
Developer (not experienced though). Supporter of free software software necessarily supports freedom. Open source software doesn'tOMEMO fingerprints:3fdd6b4a 7556ae21 6aa9314b ae904d5a c0a033ff 108bf588 a168712e 12b8837f568d17ff b80c7587 d6eff4ed 2fafbf38 f0a14289 64afdd6a f36f25cb b532bd11f32799e3 7c16b813 c7c1b3e2 390cf8d5 e28a14dd c7eb23d3 bf0a5c99 7506a064
PublicLewdness PublicLewdness
I have been gaming since 1992 and building PCs since 2003. I enjoy Linux, supporting FOSS projects and am a tinfoil hat connoisseur.