@darnell@wordpressdotcom I would assume that bbpress already works out of the box, simply activate all the bbpress custom post types in the AP settings.
An ironically I had a discussion with the BuddyPress team yesterday 🙂
@evanprodromou I really like the idea of a distributed and virtual "signing party" and just bought the ebook! (let me know who to ping and how, to vote for a paper version!).
Sadly, this is not very CEST friendly, so I am not sure I can attend!
actually it is not that bad, because mastodon supports quite some html and the are working on long-form-content support.
currently the plugin tries to find the best activity representation of a post, based on the post.
* If it has no title and is short -> `Note` * If it has a title and more test -> `Article` * If it has audio attachments (porcast) -> `Note` with focus on the audio-attachment
I will take a short break from social media including mastodon! If you have questions, ideas or problems regarding the ActivityPub plugin, please report on WP.org or GotHub!
@rez@mattwiebe it is not mastodon we use! We implemented the same protocol that mastodon uses into WordPress! You can use it in every plan on WordPress.com or you can download the plugin to use in your self hosted WordPress!
@vsg_DE 🤔 wir haben das wordpress logo mit rein genommen, damit wir was haben, was wir über mastodon apps ändern können und das logo kam uns naheliegender vor wie das icon...
kannst du mir nochmal plausibel erklären warum dein logo ein anderes ist wie das site-icon und warum du es wo brauchst? ich kann es nirgens auf deiner seite entdecken.
web worker, blogger, podcaster, #openweb advocate and citizen of the #indieweb and the #fediverse.Open Web Wrangler @ #AutomatticI am currently working on the #ActivityPub plugin and several #IndieWeb (mainly #Webmentions) plugins for #WordPress! Besides of that, I maintain some other small Open Web plugins and try to help out on the #pluginkollektiv.Follow my blog on the fediverse: "@pfefferle"#fedi22