Notices by takabsd@fedibird.com, page 6
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Friday, 02-Dec-2022 02:00:51 JST takabsd -
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Friday, 02-Dec-2022 01:56:53 JST takabsd 暴行した相手は80歳代って?
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Friday, 02-Dec-2022 01:54:05 JST takabsd In conversation from fedibird.com permalink -
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Friday, 02-Dec-2022 01:52:13 JST takabsd In conversation from fedibird.com permalink -
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Friday, 02-Dec-2022 01:50:50 JST takabsd https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20221201/k10013910131000.html
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Friday, 02-Dec-2022 01:44:06 JST takabsd https://twitter.com/thoughtworks/status/1598270721750437889?s=12&t=CI39rKgBrZWXH3vI8DThdw
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Friday, 02-Dec-2022 01:39:23 JST takabsd アニメ版「三体」まもなく世界配信、中国アニメが起こす波はどれほどのものになるか?
https://www.recordchina.co.jp/b905271-s6-c70-d0189.htmlIn conversation from fedibird.com permalink Attachments
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Friday, 02-Dec-2022 01:35:34 JST takabsd 難民・仮放免者を「ホームレス」にさせない!ホームレス化した難民・仮放免者が暮らすための「りんじんハウス」をつくりたい!| つくろい東京ファンド|つくろい東京ファンド・東京アンブレラ基金
https://congrant.com/project/umbrellafund/5794In conversation from fedibird.com permalink Attachments
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Thursday, 01-Dec-2022 13:56:15 JST takabsd 【感涙】
【仲間】In conversation from fedibird.com permalink -
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Thursday, 01-Dec-2022 13:27:18 JST takabsd THE BACK HORN「サニー」
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Thursday, 01-Dec-2022 11:03:26 JST takabsd https://twitter.com/martinfowler/status/1598024195170271232?s=12&t=rnRyssjqE09S2oiJReNK5w
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Thursday, 01-Dec-2022 10:11:29 JST takabsd 歌手活動とかやりたい人がやってるものだと思ってたら、大手事務所が声優にアイドル活動を課すようになってたのか?
「アニメディア」などのアニメ雑誌が最初にアイドル声優と呼んだのは、冨永みーな さんだった。
ってよく考えたら、2人は元夫婦か?2人一緒は無理かな。In conversation from fedibird.com permalink -
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Thursday, 01-Dec-2022 06:29:26 JST takabsd 太陽の破片
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Thursday, 01-Dec-2022 06:18:01 JST takabsd それより、歩行者のルートを昼と夜では変えてくれ!
確かに近い!近いが怖い!Google Developers Japan: 環境に優しいルート選択で、よりサステナブルなナビゲーションと、燃費を抑えるための最適化を実現
https://developers-jp.googleblog.com/2022/11/maps-eco-friendly-routing.htmlIn conversation from fedibird.com permalink Attachments
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Thursday, 01-Dec-2022 06:13:30 JST takabsd In conversation from fedibird.com permalink Attachments
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Thursday, 01-Dec-2022 06:11:42 JST takabsd Christine McVie, Keyboardist and Singer for Fleetwood Mac, Dead at 79 – Rolling Stone
https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/christine-mcvie-fleetwood-mac-dead-obtuary-1234638903/In conversation from fedibird.com permalink Attachments
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Thursday, 01-Dec-2022 05:59:31 JST takabsd Tedeschi Trucks Band
- Down Along The Cove
(with John Bell)In conversation from fedibird.com permalink Attachments
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Thursday, 01-Dec-2022 05:52:38 JST takabsd T-SQUARE - FACES
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Wednesday, 30-Nov-2022 14:44:08 JST takabsd Tommy - Pinball Wizard
- The Who/Elton John
(1975 Film)In conversation from fedibird.com permalink Attachments
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takabsd@fedibird.com's status on Wednesday, 30-Nov-2022 14:35:22 JST takabsd 織田哲郎が
【オダテツ3分トーキング・アーカイブ】In conversation from fedibird.com permalink