@Arcana@nyoom@nik@meso Being able to return home from an afternoon shift without a car is useful. 6pm isn’t that late, people would often end work at 8pm or so. Anyway this whole situations seems bizzarre to me tbh, where I lived (cities large but by Polish standards) buses go 24h (though with separate day and night lines, with fewer of the latter) and are often quite packed, including the night ones. And it’s not that everyone’s too poor to afford a car, roads are clogged with cars too.
@eris Ah ok same, though I meant to try with this one now that no one depends on it. Maybe dushman would know though, he was the one who helped preserve goreslut, I think?
@eris Wouldn’t a cheaper server handle it now that you have fewer users? Mine was running okay on 10$/month vps with 4 users including me, and the server was overspecced for one akkoma anyway.
@icedquinn dunno about the rest, but Sagnac effect is something I've studied and it has nothing to do with mass, it's just that light sort of can't catch up if a fiber is spun with light inside it.
@icedquinn Yeah, he probably couldn’t do it back then that way. And I might have been talking out of my ass as per Maxwell in general; I wasn’t taught his equations in the quaternion form and can’t even find that formulation right now to check.
I see quaternions pop up a lot in 3D graphics though, and you get the same math but with a cleaner explanation with GA: https://marctenbosch.com/quaternions In particular, the weird 4D thing disappears (though quaternions used for 3D rotations aren’t really 3D, as only unit quaternions are used and thus one coordinate is redundant).
Though the real fun with GA starts when you stop aping the standard 3D transformation formulas and leave humanity behind with something like representing 3D points as vectors in a 5D space with (++++-) signature (so squared magnitue of a vector is something like x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + w^2 - u^2).
(also sorry for the late response, I was distracted by the thread that went from sideloading apps on iOS to the history of feudalism)
@Arcana@nyoom@mer@dushman@adiz Looking at the history of my own country, the first such uprising in Poland was in 1038, not too long after the country itself was founded, and it was mainly over fees they had to pay for using the land and being forcibly converted to christianity. And later on it only got worse, with peasants (by class, the impoverished nobles who had to till their own fields were legally better positioned due to their titles) not being even allowed to buy themselves out of it. Getting personal freedom back had to wait until 1794.
I mean, I kind of like living in a world where I'm not legally prevented from from owning land (even if I don't want to buy any right now), and I'm not sure how would life be better for me in the world that you and Nemesis want to retrvn to.
@icedquinn quaternions for electromagnetics / 3d graphics are just geometric algebra done in an obtuse way that obscures what you're actually doing tbh
@Arcana@nyoom@dushman@Moon@adiz Well I did buy an M1 macbook only because I knew Asahi already existed back then, though (1) it was an already done thing, (2) I don't particularly care what they do with their phones and (3) I don't know how many others like me are out there.
@Arcana@nyoom@dushman@adiz >I’m using Firefox on iPhone right now to write this It's not really a Firefox though, it still uses the same engine as Safari on iOS.