@tk@hj The moment the brick hit the assembly, the Demon Core went super-critical. According to Daghlian, there was a blast of blue light and a wave of heat. Daghlian reacted quickly and used his right hand to knock the dropped brick to the floor. In those few moments, he received a fatal dose of radiation. The core calmed down, but 25 days later Daghlian fell into a coma and died from severe radiation poisoning.
@tk@freeplay I'd argue players like xiaomi are largely compliance lockdowns for the PRC. Other players are mostly concerned about support creep and shareholder liability or specific monetizations from ROM customizations designed to track users. Check out oneplus for a very open experience though.
@tk@purple fun fact in the 80s Harley routinely litigated Japanese makers for their vtwin designs based on engine sound alone, which they were trying to copyright. It led to the Japanese development of the double counterbalanced crankpin and subsequently one of the smoothest vtwin drive systems on the market.
- adult tickets are $33. - tickets are mandatory - veterans get $10 off. - but active soldiers are free admission. - u can buy a $37 T-shirt at the gift shop. - or a $500 gold bracelet - nearly 1 million Iraqis died during the 2003 US invasion amidst a systematic campaign of relentless combat at which time a network of secret torture prisons established coerced confessions from various random men and women kidnapped from their homes by extraordinary rendition - school shootings have killed more Americans this year than terrorism. - there's no parking :akko_mmpf:
@tk@mikoto this is absolutely not true. As the worlds most free country that has liberty and justice for all we also routinely make sure to gaslight concerned parties into believing the underlying cause of our degenerate mess was not only completely unforeseen but also better than any unspecified alternative that didnt involve us as an intervening party.