@nilikm Are family health units over seen by CPSO? Hours on the phone last night trying to get an appointment. Hours on the phone this morning trying to get an appointment. Now 30+ minutes an counting trying to get an after hours appointment. Enough is enough. Every school year this health unit is overwhelmed. Thanks in advance. I’m not in Ottawa in case you were wondering.
Notices by Allanon (allonon@mstdn.ca)
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Allanon (allonon@mstdn.ca)'s status on Thursday, 07-Dec-2023 07:35:19 JST Allanon -
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Allanon (allonon@mstdn.ca)'s status on Sunday, 22-Oct-2023 11:33:04 JST Allanon @milespernicious Got into it end of August. I enjoy it. It’s my first Pokemon game. I started watching the X and Y anime.
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Allanon (allonon@mstdn.ca)'s status on Thursday, 19-Oct-2023 20:01:46 JST Allanon @gnu2 Lol. No. I’m not Mike.
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Allanon (allonon@mstdn.ca)'s status on Thursday, 19-Oct-2023 20:00:07 JST Allanon #ADHDers What is the prevailing opinion on Edward M. Hallowell abd John J. Ratey? I’m reading ADHD 2.0 and I have concerns. Then I looked up their Wikipedia pages.
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Allanon (allonon@mstdn.ca)'s status on Saturday, 12-Aug-2023 09:50:24 JST Allanon The Miz is a bonafide Hall of Famer. A 2 time Grand Slam champ and he works so hard to get others over. What a gem.
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Allanon (allonon@mstdn.ca)'s status on Tuesday, 04-Jul-2023 12:52:26 JST Allanon @Jerm Why do we expect it to make sense is my question? I never understood why they hit music for saves.
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Allanon (allonon@mstdn.ca)'s status on Tuesday, 04-Jul-2023 10:27:21 JST Allanon @Jerm And it was much better for it imo.
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Allanon (allonon@mstdn.ca)'s status on Tuesday, 23-May-2023 10:15:46 JST Allanon @Jerm Kinda like how Reed got a package…months after he debuted and it was shown once. Lol.
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Allanon (allonon@mstdn.ca)'s status on Tuesday, 23-May-2023 10:06:38 JST Allanon @Jerm You expected the split to make any sense. He was invited back. He doesn’t say by who….