Counted as 1 of Kyōto's 4 great celebrations, the Gozan-no-Okuribi was originally called Shūkyō Gyōji or Oshorai-san (宗教行事 'the ritual'/おしょらい/おしょらいさん).
Many people incorrectly call the event Daimonji, the first and most famous of the Okuribi.
On 16th August it is said that Kyōto's spirits gather at Daimonji (大文字)before traveling to read the sutra at 'Myō-Hō' (妙法).
They then ride the Funagata (舟形 boat), guided by Hidari Daimonji (左大文字), back to the Netherworld via the Toriigata (鳥居形 gate).