@TrevorGoodchild @Vulpes_Quartus @DW2 ah, yes
that eternal inferiority complex, marinated in a seething hatred of and embarrassment by their home; "FUCK YOU DAD" plus the adolescent "I can't WAIT to get out of here and go to where REAL people live" extended to the course of an entire adult life
the big problem is that this mindset is strongly encouraged by the fact that the kikeonomy has made "life in the hinterlands" as intolerable as possible, and for anybody with anything going for them, it already had a lot of warts
(as much as the "trad wheatfield small town" is idolized, it is important to keep in mind that there are a lot of ways in which it fucking sucks if you are more than one standard deviation north of the mean; there are all kinds of petty Peyton Place dramas that take places in those "small towns", and frequently, if you are not a blood relative of the local "royalty" - typically as defective as any other royalty, but convinced by the big-fish-in-a-small-pond effect of their awesomeness none the less - your only options are to get the fuck out of there or learn to enjoy kissing their asses forever)