im getting really tired... -w-
summary of today:
someone on a Japanese hacker forum decided it was a good idea to spam the entire Fediverse because they wanted to cancel a minor that DDoSed a Discord bot which apparently made them lost millions (what?)
A **Discord bot.** I can't make this shit up man.
The real culprit seems to be someone who goes by `mumei` in the forums, whose first post was literally a threat to ap12, that if they don't delete their "Kuroneko Server" Discord bot, they will spam every blog, forum and SNS and cancel him.
This shit is ridiculous.
The `ap12` account from mastodon-japan was actually fake, and this dude impersonated a minor to get all of the Fediverse (us) to bully him.
The forum admins didn't even stop this. Why? lulz apparently. #fediblockmeta #fediadmins #fediadmin #mastoadmin #mastoadmins #spam #cybercrime #cybersec #infosec #drama #discord (📎1)