I only now learned that macos: 1. wants devs to pay fees for all programs, even when you're releasing it on steam and never touched xcode 2. doesn't let you run any non-apple-approved app
@iska The reason they keep putting up with it is the reason they are iSlaves.
What's worse is ios, as you can't even install 3rd party software and the proprietary workaround requires macos and more payments and the installed software only works for 30(?) days and then you need to repeat the same process.
@iska you can run any app, it's the same system as in windows these days, if it's signed with a registered key it will just run, if not you have to override.
@iska@mario I can confirm that apple does things like remove checkboxes.
Even if the "allow" checkboxes are there, apple often sabotages them to make sure they don't work.
The last time I had the misfortune of using a macbook I tried to install homebrew (so I could at least get the free software needed for the task installed) and I did have the root password, but the "allow" install button did not work, nor the online workarounds where you use the accessibility API to press the button (it seems that apple intentionally made the button fail to work, but neglected to realize that the sabotage didn't apply to the accessibility API, but of course fixed that as soon as they realized).
@iska can't disagree with that :blobcatgiggle2: having an actual package manager with trusted maintainers and repo mirrors and (optional) package signing is the best way of software distribution I know
@mario >was running it in QEMU Yes, versions with some of the sabotage patched out may work better (I'm pretty sure macos will refuse to run in a VM unless the sabotage part is disabled).
>find obscurish FOSS like betterbird, schildichat and freetube within homebrew Those are hardly obscure if I can find them in a search engine.
Freetube is licensed under the AGPLv3 (unclear of -only or -or-later), which makes it free software and not "open source".
>I would be able to migrate my setup to MacOS without anything missing really. You would be missing freedom, which to me is the most important thing.
@Suiseiseki@iska my only recent MacOS experience was running it in QEMU and that went reasonably well. I was really surprised to even find obscurish FOSS like betterbird, schildichat and freetube within homebrew. My conclusion was that I would be able to migrate my setup to MacOS without anything missing really. But since MacOS is confirmed spyware i'll stay with auditable operating systems :blobcatuwu: