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('s status on Friday, 19-Jan-2024 06:19:34 JST @sim @marine @i @Moon @jeffcliff @Flick @mk >I don't know what the fix is though
Unchecking this option, but moony is too concerned about muh scrapers to do so (even doe anyone could access any user's outbox without any signed fetches).
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('s status on Friday, 19-Jan-2024 06:26:44 JST @sim @Flick @Moon @i @jeffcliff @marine @mk That said, spinster's fetch actor looks a bit flaky too. I've notified the vegan, though I don't think it'll make much difference with SPC itself considering the implications of disallowing status view. -
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Sexy Moon ('s status on Friday, 19-Jan-2024 06:27:05 JST Sexy Moon @mint @marine @i @jeffcliff @sim @Flick @mk why would this option do this for one SPC user and not another -
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('s status on Friday, 19-Jan-2024 06:29:08 JST @Moon @marine @i @jeffcliff @sim @Flick @mk This could be if the another user already has followers from spinster, thus SPC sends his activities to its inbox and as such spinster doesn't need to fetch anything. Sexy Moon likes this. -
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:blank: ('s status on Friday, 19-Jan-2024 06:30:31 JST :blank: @mint @marine @Moon @jeffcliff @sim @Flick @mk also maybe the visible:always garbage moon has likes this. -
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Sexy Moon ('s status on Friday, 19-Jan-2024 06:30:48 JST Sexy Moon @i @marine @mint @jeffcliff @sim @Flick @mk I would need to see that the change lines up with the problems. -
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Flick ?? ('s status on Friday, 19-Jan-2024 06:32:08 JST Flick ?? @mint @Moon @marine @i @jeffcliff @sim @mk I follow several SPC accounts with no problems, FWIW, but you’re geeking beyond my skill set so it may not be relevant.
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