I've been thinking about doing a little explainer/how-to for youngsters especially, on how to get into the construction business, and how to protect your health while you're in it. (Because those fuckers will ruin your body for $15/hour if you let them.)
There's a few things to discuss, and this is just me brainstorming.
This could be a game-changer for a queer kid in a conservative family who doesn't want to go to college.
Construction companies are DESPERATE for new workers. Some of them are even raising wages (others are hiring cut-rate subcontractors, but that's another story). It's one of the few areas where automation can't take your job for quite a while and you don't need a degree.
The trick is getting in the door and making them think you're going to fit into the culture there. The main thing for getting in the door is showing up and having some tools. Which tools, and how to get them, and how to use them--that's a big topic of conversation.
Not gonna lie: as a woman, I know I lost out on roughly 50% of opportunities compared to a similarly situated man. But it still saved my life when I was in a really dark place.
So yeah, stay tuned for that.
Edit: Also, if you can think of questions a total noob might have about becoming a construction worker, please tell me!