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kaia ('s status on Tuesday, 20-Sep-2022 19:22:37 JST kaia hate the idea of it getting colder now
where to emigrate to??- Hélène likes this.
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Hélène ('s status on Tuesday, 20-Sep-2022 19:22:50 JST Hélène @kaia bed :comfythumbsup: -
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「セル」cell (سل) ('s status on Tuesday, 20-Sep-2022 19:24:42 JST 「セル」cell (سل) @helene @kaia i want to emigrate to bed but i have to prepare visa requirements (shower, dinner, plushie) first Hélène likes this. -
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kaia ('s status on Tuesday, 20-Sep-2022 20:55:35 JST kaia @matrixsasuke
I hate the cold. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft, and smooth.Hélène likes this. -
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Matrix-Sasuke :ablobcool: ('s status on Tuesday, 20-Sep-2022 20:55:37 JST Matrix-Sasuke :ablobcool: @kaia i don't mind it getting colder